I was supposed to meet a few friends for Guacamole at some generic, yet delicious Mexican place at about 9: 15 and I knew I was going to be early. Too early.
I pulled out of the neighborhood I currently reside in (the minority of the time) and noticed this road. It wasn't necessarily a side road. I'd seen cars purposefully take the turn onto it before, I just had never done so myself. So I decided that What The Heck, I'll drive down this random road I'd never notice before and see where it put me. It bent and curved under a canopy of dark trees, giving no sign of where it was going to pop me out at. And then it ended, and I was so much closer to my destination than I had hoped to be. DRAT
I had found a Short Cut.
At any other time I would have been pleasantly surprised, but I was hoping for more of a scenic-drive, a Long Cut if you will. What else was there to do but continue on my way? Driving through downtown, I noticed a simple brick building with it's lights on. The paned windows were propped open and various gadgets were hanging in the window. What were they? I can't really say, just technical, mechanical silhouetted do-dads. I thought it looked really lovely. I thought, "I should take a picture of this." And given my need to waste some time, I pulled a 'U' and parked and walked to take this picture. I turned on my camera and got about 5 worthless shots of the place and my battery died. DRAT. I suppose it looked better in person anyway, as most things do. The more I think about it the more I remember this foggy little memory of going to that building when I was in elementary school. Signs were made there, I can't really say for sure, but I think nice and noble traffic and street signs were assembled there. I walked back to my car and saw that I had managed to waste more than enough time.
I was going to be late.
So I sped off, and was late but not too late, just the right amount of late where no one is particularly annoyed yet.
Later that night I caught on fire and now have these tiny little charred dots on my legs.
But that is an entirely different story for an entirely different day.
What was the last thing you were unfashionably late or early to?
I have found myself being early a lot lately. Usually because I am desperate to leave my previous setting. I have really enjoyed sitting and reading in different places waiting for loved ones.